
Write nonstop for 10 minutes (set a timer). Let your writing go from one thought to the next. Resist stopping to think of your next thought. The purpose of being timed is you'll build up more to write about than time allows. Writing quickly doesn't allow you to tap into logical thinking. It's okay to misspell, disregard grammar, mess up, get off subject.

When you look back in the archives of your life, who have you randomly met that had an influence on you?

Maybe it was the person using the microwave at lunch just before you did with the stinky cheese entree and you struck up a conversation.

Maybe it's not a person, but the black and white cat with mangy fur that was on the prowl all night long and was meowing at your door.

Maybe it's a song, a repeating rhythm that randomly called. Can you still hear it?

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