One of my favorite Bible stories is about the dreamer Joseph. And Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is also one of my favorite Broadway shows.
"Go, go, go Joseph you know what they sayI'm an insomniac. Have been for about 12 years. How do you become one too? You quit sleeping, but not because you want to. I went to a sleeping disorders clinic and they had a computer simulation test as part of the analysis. They said I was way out of the "normal" range and hit too many cows in the simulation! At that time, a good night's sleep was 4 hours and a bad night's sleep was anywhere from 20 minutes to 4 hours. That qualifies for insomniac status.
Hang on now Joseph you'll make it some day
Sha la la Joseph you're doing fine
You and your dreamcoat ahead of your time."
Mitch told me he thought I had the gift of prophecy to which I said, "No, I don't think so." Prophets I thought have long beards, carry a staff, wear a robe, and make proclamations from mountain tops. No, don't want a beard and as far as acquiring a staff, ebay might be a source. That same week in the School of Listening Prayer, Pastor Richard talked about prophecy and it mirrored what Mitch said. I talked with Deb after class and also met with Pastor Richard and after those conversations I thought, "Hmmm, it's possible." So I talked to another source: God. "God, I would like to have this gift and if you want me to have this gift then I need my dreams back." Since I don't get deep REM sleep, I don't dream. Shortly after that, I began getting deeper sleep. My dreams are back.
I see words in my dreams. Go figure that God would speak to a journaler, reader, and writer in words. Sometimes words appear like a slide show. They'll wave or flash across my vision. Sometimes I'm reading a book and I can actually read the words in the book in my dream.
Last night I dreamed the words were inscribed at the top of a building. The building was a large, square, sandstone, temple-like structure. There were no windows on the outside. I stood in front of it and at the top of the building the inscribed words were: Honor Patience Obey. In that order. Patience loomed larger in the middle.
Patience is a word that kept coming up during my fast last week. Honor and Obey. Could be honor my parents, obey God...but all 3 of them in relation to each other? In order? I'm still unpacking this one. If you have a prophecy or an idea about these 3 words, post here or e-mail me at seizethej@gmail.com. Yikes!
Until the time came to fulfill his dreams, the Lord tested Joseph's character. Psalm 105:19
Until then...
Seize the J
Last night I dreamed the words were inscribed at the top of a building. The building was a large, square, sandstone, temple-like structure. There were no windows on the outside. I stood in front of it and at the top of the building the inscribed words were: Honor Patience Obey. In that order. Patience loomed larger in the middle.
Patience is a word that kept coming up during my fast last week. Honor and Obey. Could be honor my parents, obey God...but all 3 of them in relation to each other? In order? I'm still unpacking this one. If you have a prophecy or an idea about these 3 words, post here or e-mail me at seizethej@gmail.com. Yikes!
Until the time came to fulfill his dreams, the Lord tested Joseph's character. Psalm 105:19
Until then...
Seize the J
"May I return to the beginning*Lyrics by Tim Rice
The light is dimming, and the dream is too
The world and I, we are still waiting
Still hesitating...
Any dream will do."
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