I got to spend an evening with 2 friends from college in Denver last weekend. One was my roommate back in the day, and her husband, a racquetball partner and friend. I'll refer to them as M and J.
Somehow at random (yeah right) the conversation turned to our beliefs. Like all great conversation it took some time to get to the heart of the matter. I believe when all is stripped away, all I have is faith.
J is agnostic. He had an experience in church that turned him away from ever wanting to go back to church. The message spouted was a message of condemnation instead of a message that God is a God of love and encouragement and forgiveness. J said he doesn't want me to judge him or think less of him because he doesn't believe. That's the heart of the matter isn't it? He spoke the truth and J, I love you no matter what.
J is agnostic. He had an experience in church that turned him away from ever wanting to go back to church. The message spouted was a message of condemnation instead of a message that God is a God of love and encouragement and forgiveness. J said he doesn't want me to judge him or think less of him because he doesn't believe. That's the heart of the matter isn't it? He spoke the truth and J, I love you no matter what.
The evening at the restaurant seemed a lot like what Jesus did. He sat around with friends over a glass of wine (okay it was 3 glasses) and had life changing conversation. I don't know who was changed more by the conversation. I heard loud and clear that truth is not always convenient. Judge not. It's not up to us.
Be curious about others you encounter. You can't be judgmental and curious at the same time. Go for the stranger. When you're in a crowd, at the airport, waiting in line, are you only talking to people that are safe and comfortable? Go for the perfect stranger.
It matters very little to me what you think of me, even less where I rank in popular opinion. I don't even rank myself. Comparisons in these matters are pointless. I'm not aware of anything that would disqualify me from being a good guide for you, but that doesn't mean much. The Master makes that judgment. I Corinthians 4:3,4 The Message
Seize the J's (both of them)
Has your picture of God been affected by the family in which you grew up or the church you attended as a child? In retrospect, did you grow up with a biblically accurate view of God?
The issue is, what do we want? The Bible says that if you seek God with all your heart, then you will surely find him. Surely find him. It's the person who wants to know God that God reveals himself to. And if a person doesn't want to know God -- well, God has created the world and the human mind in such a way that he doesn't have to.
(The Case for Faith: A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Objections to Christianity by Lee Strobel)
Time and time we see the failure of man trying to lead someone to God. Often the best way to lead people to the Gospel, is to just keep our mouths shut...our life should be our testimony, not our words.
As for you, dear friend, I just heard this song and it made me think of your lovely words. MercyMe "One Trick Pony":
I'm a one trick pony, if you will.
I got a one track mind with a heart that's real,
And don't forget I've got tunnel vision,
For something much bigger than superstition.
Call me hard headed for the One that changed me.
Say what you will, it will not phase me.
No need for anything up my sleeve.
There's just one thing that I'll ever need.
You are my one and only
You are my one and only
Oh, I'm a one trick pony
If I hear just one more time
That I should try and be more open-minded,
I think I just might scream.
The world says this is all there is,
Yet I believe the One who says there's life after this.
Now tell me, how much more open can my mind be?
She who shall be known as "S"
sounds like M & J are beautiful friends to have. what strikes me in reading this is that God is pursuing J. God is in absolute love with J and is chasing after his heart. i think there is going to be a time in which JC is going to whisper words of kindness, gentleness and affirmation into his ear and it's going to trickle down into his heart.
as a Christian, i'm sorry that we don't represent Jesus the way we should. in fact, it seems like non-Christians act more Christ-like than Christians do a lot of the time. and for that I am truly sorry. i just hope that Jesus will reveal His true character, love, and grace over your friend. ;)
grace and peace,
This was a timely message for me. Just yesterday, I engaged in an email argument with my brother. Though it wasn't specific to faith, it was about judging people. Isn't it interesting, that when you tell someone not to judge others, you are in effect judging? It's a slippery slope. What grabbed me most, Friend, was your point regarding curiosity. Had I responded to my brother with a question instead of a statement, I think the outcome would be different and my intentions more clear.
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