My friend Joy and I talked on Sunday. What a joy to have Joy in my life. She was the gal who had the dorm room with the party going on and a stream of visitors. I remember the night we were eating Funyons and falling down behind Metzler Hall in hilarity. For those of you that don’t know my background, Mac College was a “dry” campus, well for some people it was.
We talked about how life has changed for us, the soil is turning over. And I believe we’re being cultivated--prepared for a change (to use language farm girls know). As visionaries, though, this time we can't see it, we just feel it deep in our souls. And it hurts sometimes.
There is a lot of silence in our lives.
I don't have the 2.5 kids, the picket fence, the vacation at Yellow Stone, the picturesque anything,
Instead, I’ve had a lot of noise. The noise of deadlines, late hours, bus commuting, partying like it’s 1999, eclectic friends from all walks of life. How does this work? Trying anxiously and fearfully to make it all the while with noise. Filling my time with a lot of busy. Volunteering, service, church, making homes to be better than they were left to me, a 2nd job that is just plain fun, biking, running, a life that, basically, yes I love it. I loved the busy. Busy, though, made me anxious and anxious felt normal if I could catch up with my heart, or my heart could catch up with me.
But now...silence.
Some days I want the addiction of the noise.
God is silent. And I'm listening.
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost
Seize the J
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